HD Upconversion home player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Rob423, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. Rob423

    Rob423 Member

    Nov 12, 2006
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    I wasn't sure where this should go but.

    After searching around.. alot of people are in the same boat as me.

    a tremendous dvd collection and an HDTV.. wondering if my current 4 yr old progressive scan player needs an upgrade.

    Im really thinking about these UP CONVERSION players.

    My TV is a Panasonic HDTV with HDMI input. So i was thinking i can use this with a brand new Upconversion player.

    just wondering on which models you guys have..

    i was thinking of this one.. Sony DVP-NS75H the reviews were pretty good around the net.

    also other ones in my bestbuy i seen.
    Samsung DVD-HD860 only 99$
    Toshiba SD-4990 only 89$

    Just wondering which players you guys have that are upconversion.


  2. cp1966

    cp1966 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2004
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    The upconverting players are nice. I have the Sony DVD Jukebox that upconverts, and it automatically fills my Sony 60 XBR Grand Wega perfectly. And the picture is FAB!

    I have heard a lot of people also like the upconverting Oppo players.

    To be honest, I do not know how an upconverting player "upconverts", but it does make the picture a little better.
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I have an Oppo and love the thing. I won't be going to blu ray or HD DVD until I know what is going to happen with them.

    Here is a review on the Oppo from my favoriet reviewers at audioholics. A word about audiohaulics, they're a bit lengthy and will tell both the good and the bad so sometimes it sounds like hi praise and sometimes like they're ripping it apart but it gets their highest value for the money:


  4. gwazi

    gwazi Guest

    i have the toshiba sd-4990 and am satisified. when my dad was visiting and saw the difference. he ran to walmart and purchased an rca upconversion model with a ton of bells and whistles for 79 dollars. not sure about rca quality but it still makes a difference. and he's pleased so what the heck. it's far better to go this route than the blu ray or hd dvd. i only know one person that owns a blu ray, and while the picture is good. it's been buggy for him. and even he agrees that for now, the picture is better with hd dvd. so it looks like at least a year before we'll have a clue what's going to happen....look at super audio cd. never took off.
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    That's why I'm sticking with upconversion...at least for now. The pic is so good anyway.
  6. pahick

    pahick Member

    Sep 16, 2006
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    I just bought that same RCA. I bought a Samsung 42" Plasma the week before and my regular DVD player wasnt cuttin it. I bought the RCA cause it was late and Walmart is close, also came with the HDMI cable. So far im impressed! Set to 1080i it does pretty good.
  7. gwazi

    gwazi Guest

    glad to hear that pahick, i gotta admit, it comes with a ton of features for 79 dollars. i hope this upconversion improvement in picture quality throws a big fat wrench in the sales of blu ray. i urge everyone i know to al least try it before making another purchase. 79 dollars verses 900+ and 6 bucks more per disc, not to mention the limited library. i don't know which company invented upconversion but i applaud them.
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2006
  9. gwazi

    gwazi Guest

    wow, that oppo is the bomb, lucky christmas is almost here, showed it to the wife, so i'll be getting it. def the best i've seen to date. i want it, and am chomping at the bit for christmas morning. thanx, for the turn on!
  10. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    gwazi, there coming out with a OPPO OPDV981H , it will be black with a HDMI output with 1080p so look out for it before you get one
  11. gwazi

    gwazi Guest


    dude......i owe you again. i'm glad you told me. only 30 bucks more!
    saved me from regretting my purchase. i would have been bummin if you hadn't give me the heads up. thanks again!!!!!
  12. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    no problem ,you can get the 981 starting this week
  13. rapko

    rapko Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Has anyone tried the Pioneer Elite DV46AV? I will settle for an upconvert player until the HD vs blu-ray is decided. Many people mention the Oppo 981 player but I can't find it anywhere. What are your opinions on the pioneer elite model? Worth the extra cash or should I just go for a cheaper model? I have no idea what upconvert dvd player to get but its gotta have HDMI, not DVI.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2006
  14. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    rapko , I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE Pioneer , but the all three Oppo models have and HDMI input to the TV. i got my 971 at amazon.com thats where Oppo told me to get it being it was free shipping





    keep in mind the Oppo dvd players are the highest rated upcoverting dvd players on the market they spec out as good as the 850.00 denon.Its def. the brand to get all the members in her that have gotton one love them inculding me

    the DCDi by Faroudja Chip is what makes this an outstanding deck
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2006
  15. rapko

    rapko Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Thanks for the links and info aabbccdd. I've been Pioneer loyal for years now but if the oppo is superior then I'd rather have it. The pioneer dvd player does have an HDMI connection but I don't know what kind of chip it uses. its also $30 more than the latest oppo model so I could save a few bucks.
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    cool i would def. opp for the Oppo then lol
  17. gwazi

    gwazi Guest

    aabbccdd i want to thank you again....... you not only turned me on to the oppo site, you gave me the heads up by letting me know oppo would soon be coming out with a 1080p model. thanks to you, i didn't make a mistake and waited for the 981 and am one happy camper. fit and finish as well as picture are first rate. i can't urge those of you contemplating on an upconversion player to take a chance on oppo. don't let the lower prices fool you. this stuff sells due to high levels of customer satisfaction, eliminating the need for big money spent on advertising. so we get a product form a firm that spends it's money on development rather than the most ads.
  18. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    gwazi, you are very weclome

    yes Oppo only sells online so it cuts out the middle man profits helping us little guys out . glad you like your new 981
  19. rapko

    rapko Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    Just remembered to mention that my TV is only a 32" LCD. The Amazon description talked about using the oppo 981 with larger TV's and to use a different model for smaller TV's. Plus my TV is 720p/1080i only. If you guys don't think my above specs makes a difference then I'm gonna order the 981 very soon.
  20. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    rapko, you will need a HDMI input to your TV to upconvert with either the 981 or 971 model. however you can upconvert with componet cables with the 970 . since you TV isn't 1080p you might as well save the few bucks and get the 971 that is 1080i unless your getting a new set in the coming months

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