Hi guys, i sure hope u can help me, my hd decided to take a walk on me, an i never got around to modding it and gettin the epprom bin off it, so, my question is how do i make a new hd wit no epprom bin file, i heard there are a few ways but dont know what they are, if some one can enlighten me that be great. thanks a lot
oh, an i would like to try an get by without using a chip, I have another xbox that is modded with a 250gig hd in it, not sure if i can use anything from that.
i tried to make a hd usinng xboxhdm with not eeprom but it wont lock, so i guess that wont work,,grrr frustrated
In order to do it without a chip, you would physically HAVE to have the eeprom. So, without a chip, you're kind of stuck. On the upside, there is a lucrative chip market that is at a fairly low pricepoint right now, because a new wave of systems is coming in.
well i assuming this cant be done or no one knows how to, so i guess i am gunn have to get a chip, so riddle me this, whats the better chip? it will have to be sodderless so i can move from box to box, and i have diff versions of xbox, xecuter 3 or Xenium Gold S.P. mod chip
Honestly, most recent solderless are equal in value, and will work with most models now. There are, as always, a few exceptions, but overall you'll find similar value all around. Although, solderless or not, I wouldn't really recommend swapping it often; because it means either repeatedly opening boxes, or leaving them open, and either one is a recipe for disaster, realistically speaking. Do you have multiple unnoperable units?
i just like to get a chip so i can repair my xboxs, dont plan on keepin the chip in there , just need one to add a new hd and recover the eeprom, since the orginal hd is garbage.thast why i am looking for sodderless, so i can move from box to box for repairs
Oh, that makes much more sense then! That should clear things up nice and fast! So, I'm curious, as a fellow owner of multiple units, what do you use yours for?
well my main xbox in main room, is modded wit unleashx+ndure, wit a 250gig hd, skined and LED upped, got over like 60games, over 80 movies, music and crap on there, use KAI as well, got the XBMC on it wit 360skin, my other xbox is used for the bed room, which is now broke which i need the chip for, hd went bad in it, i have 2 other xboxs that i have that went bad that i am tryin to fix, hd went bad in one of them to, anf they other, beats me, think it has bad MOBO, i get power cycle 3 times, dunno