I got the softmod in my xbox I want to put a bigger Hd in. When I put hard drive in its a err. I got the autoloadre cd. but with out the orginal hd it wont boot . What do I have to do to get the new HD in . Any help. I dont have a mod in it .Thanks for all you can add.
you have to backup your c drive and find a program that creates an identical drive to yours you then run the program and have the hard drive you want to create as the master hdd and boot from the cd that has all your good stuff. i think you can find the program at xbox soft modding for dummies and also a better explanation to HDD swap i also sudjest you put a softmod and start backing up your games in your system with dvd2xbox and play your movies without the DVD playback kit. You can also record movies and put emulators.
so do I have to put both drives in a pc or i do it in the xbox I try to clone the xbox drive but windows wont pick it up. whats a good program for that . Thank you .