I have a problem with a 120gb Western Digital HDD. It seems that whenever it is connected whether to slave or master, it causes the computer not to boot. Both This HD and the other one in the computer have an OS on them. If the one in question is not hooked up the computer will boot fine from the other. This would not be such an issue, but the failing HD has A LOT of useful data on it that I would like to backup. Any help and/or suggestion would be great! Thanks
Purchase your self a external hard drive adapter. this is a useful tool that you will probably use time and time again. it will show up as external drive and you should be able to drag your data off as long as the drive isn't completely corrupted.
I actually am not sure what the make of the other HD is. It is my boss's computer. It does however boot fine when it is the only HD in AND when a Maxtor 20gb HD is in as the slave.
Have you tried adjusting the bios so it boots only from the drive you want and not to boot from other hard drives?
If both hard drives have operating systems, your going have to make changes to the boot.ini file so that the hard drives are properly showned in the file. More or less you will be creating a dual boot. This is complicated but it can be done. I've never actually done it but I've made notes for myself in case I ever needed them. Below are my notes. This is What it might look like with dual hard drives on a windows xp system. some definitions for reference. multi(x)disk(x) = disk controller number (ide drives) will always be "0" scsi will have different numbers rdisk(x) = hard drive number "starts at "0" for first drive partition(x) = partition where os is located starts at "1" [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Pro CLONE " /noexecute=optin /fastdetect http://www.dewassoc.com/kbase/multiboot/boot_ini.htm http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/mbr/bootini.htm#Ex http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;289022