HDD Raid problem

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by hyugayuri, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. hyugayuri

    hyugayuri Member

    Feb 25, 2007
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    Ok I have 2 500gb drives and i tried to raid them. Of course I had no clue what raid was at the time properly except for the fact that it increases performance rather than having them work on standalone.

    First I set up raid 1 but didn't know that it sucks up 1 HDD so I then switched it to raid 0 which took like 5-6hrs not including when i switched them to raid 1.

    Now with raid 0 its saying i have a total of 931gb but only around 470 is free. What happened to the other 500gb HDD? its still getting sucked up by raid? also its not showing in my computer either.

    I am running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I did the raid through intels matrix storage program.
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Don't use RAID for two drives.
  3. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    RAID0 takes so long to setup because you are striping the data across two hard drives. And since you are doing this across 500GB drives, it's going to take even longer. Yes, the other hard drive is still in the array you created.

    I've seen several people on aD here lately getting caught up in RAID. RAID is only good if you have a large number of disks that get tons of I/O on a daily basis - i.e network servers. The whole reason for using RAID is to have a fail safe system and to get a little bit better I/O performance when used right. The chances of your disks failing under normal usage on a PC is pretty slim, so no real need for RAID IMO.

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