Alienware M-17xR1 hdmi is the only choice(I removed the Lcd screen) I have and It was working fine earlier today. I've had this happen before and I somehow reset or swapped cables or something but I've tried to switch cables and I've searched google for hours can't figure it out.what happens is the image is all distorted.
i presume you have tried other hdmi cables & if so but still getting a distorted picture, it is either a bad onboard videocard or a bad solder connection with the motherboard video connector.
could be that as well but i would try something to really diagnose the issue do you have access to another tv or monitor where you live at?? i would first try it on the tv and the reason for the distortion on the screen is the resolution is set to high for the monitor or tv to handle you might have to shrink down the resolution in order for it to work right remember windows doesn't like displaying in 1080p on certain graphics cards it will cause distortion blurred icons text and other anomalies. try shrinking the screen size first and see what develops
service manual Manual_en-us.pdf read chapter 18 & do it then put it back in to see what happens