HDMI upconversion DVD Player to HDMI-2 TV - No Audio

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by willyloma, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. willyloma

    willyloma Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I need a little help...
    Just bought a Memorex DVD player with HDMI and up-converstion to watch my library of burned DVDs on a RCA HDTV (720p). My cable box from Comcast is hooked up to HDMI-1 and it works perfectly. I hooked this new DVD player up to HDMI-2 on the television and gave it a test run. The video is great, but there was no audio at all. Tried another DVD and there was audio for the menu and extras, but nothing for the main movie. It's been that way with every DVD I've tried. I took the thing back and exchanged it for another--same thing. Tried a different cable--same thing. Tried hooking it up to the HDMI-1 port on the TV (which works fine with the cable box)--same thing. My DVDs are all done with either DVD Shrink or DVD Rebuild and they play perfectly on all my other DVD players to include a Bose 3-2-1, a Samsung, and a cheapy $20 Target player.
    Anybody have any ideas? It's got to be me since this is the second player I've tried, but I can't figure out what I could possibly be doing wrong. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. elliott

    elliott Regular member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    I have an Olevia and it won't play the audio unless I change it to pcm only as the output. This may be your problem however a better solution is to hook the hdmi up to tv for upscaled picture and use the coaxial out of the dvd player and hook it up to a surround sound system. Good Luck
  3. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Since the Memorex does the same thing on HDMI 1 and 2 inputs on your set, then your set is fine. There has got to be some obscure setting in the Memorex set up you're missing concerning the audio. They play fine on other DVD players. Get out the instruction manual and follow it's advice on the set up of the Memorex look for anything audio.

    At the worst you could set it up with component cables until you figure out the setting problem with HDMI. Email Memorex.

    Edit: Does a store bought original DVD do the same thing?
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  4. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Yea, definitely take a look at the audio settings and try setting the player to decode the audio signal.

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