
Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by anthonyd3, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. anthonyd3

    anthonyd3 Guest

    Hey my xbox is softmodded but i opened a file that i wasnt supposed to now i get error 21 and the dashboard wont load up i donno the ip address or the hdd password of my xbox how do i fix it? the games still load and i can play em but the dashboard wont come up
  2. DrKePhRiM

    DrKePhRiM Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    if you have a back up of the C and E drives you can reformat the hardrive using xboxHDM.....if not i can see if i can upload mine somewhere......i ftp'ed it over right after i softmodded so it should be good............and then you gotta reformat it so look for an hd upgrade tutorial here on afterdawn....

    P.S. You will have to open up your xbox.

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2006

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