I was at a computer show the other day and I purchased one of these generic ipod knock offs Wilson Co. Ltd. 2gig model LSD_9112_20. It works OK when I take cd's and rip them to windows media plyaer and sync them to the device, which shows up as (HS)Flash Disk, when i connect it. HERE IS THE PROBLEM non of my tracks that I downloaded form Napster at .99 cents a pop will sync to the device. Even though I purchesed the songs I keep getting a message tht says no sync rights. I had no problem syncing my previos SandDisk MP3 player. is there a way to fix this. can i make this flash disk appear to be or mimic a brand name that napster supports so I can get my damn music(WHICH I PAYED FOR) on my player. What kind of game is Napster running. I pay .99 cents per track and then they are going to tell me what device I can sync to, I thought that was the whole point of paying for the track so i can use it how I want, sync, burn, play whatever. WHAT THE !@#$^%*
Napster, AFAIK, still uses DRM on their music available for purchase, i also believe they encode their music files in WMA, which isn't a great format for playability.