Hello everybody+ 1 Question

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by GreekGeek, Jan 2, 2007.

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  1. GreekGeek

    GreekGeek Guest

    hello i am new to theese forums just signed up and i would like to ask a question about something i am really having trouble with.

    My xbox dash version is v5960 and kernel is v5101 and i have the three games AUF Mechassault and Splintr cell originale

    and i am focusing on the splinter cell exploit but i am a windows xp user and having trouble with copying the game saves i have tried with my 128mb usb stick the action replay software method all went right but when i try to drag the saves from pc colum to mem card colum it wont work when i drag it to the mem side it shos a sign with a circle and a slash through it it just won't let me!!!??! can some one answer this Pleeeeese:)
  2. DanandJen

    DanandJen Regular member

    May 25, 2005
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    Not sure what the problem is but here is what i did to run the 007 exploit. I converted my xbox controller cable to a usb cable so I could use it on the pC. I then downloaded the drivers for mem card support and got a hold of a copy AR. Then I copied the save exploit to the mem card then popped it into the other controller connected to the xbox and whallah! If you think this will help, here is link to the controller tut.


    and the drivers

  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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