hello,can anyone help me im trying anything it still isnt working, when i opened my vdub to extract the sound on my movie so that i can encode from avi to mpg format to burn on vcd, i got this message in my vdub: "warning: nothing to output bframe decoder lag" what in the world does that mean and what can i do about it. pls pls pls anyone
I am having the exact same problem. I am decompressing the audio using VirtualDub (full procesing for audio, direct stream copy for video) the same way I always do. I can play the the video file just fine using DivX or Windows Media Player, but just can't seem to decompress the audio for some reason. Does anyone know how to fix this?
i got the answer but it pretty hard, u have to use the program avidemux to get the frame right, but when i did correc it i got a different format version n i still dont know what to do with it and how to convert it, althought a lot say it is easy to use that prog, i find it hard not enought explanation on this stupid prog. if u manage to get it done please help me.
Got my answer for this type of problem, hope that would help anyone getting the same thing. The only program (easy n simple, not saying there are not more prog that would help also) to use would be nero vision, add the file then click on burn n it would encode it directly for u to mpg n burn it on a cd directly. if that doesn't work on some of your movies as all r not the same, on nero still add the movie then click on export, it would encode it on your machine n from there open back your nero again add the movie that was export on your machine n burn it the encode will start again (although less time) n burn it. As simple as that no need for a lot of program or dl the needed program for it.
I know it's been a long time since this thread is on, but i just got the problem u guys have. And I got the solution ! I had downloaded Sin City and when I opened the file in virtualdub I got this message : Nothing to output, bframe decoder lag. And so I was unable to demux the audio to make a DVD with the movie..... The solution comes with VirtualDubMod Just look for that prog on google, download it, install it ( actually extract the file in a folder ) and voilĂ ! There is a nice option with virtualdubmod called streams ( u can add, disable, demux audio or subs ) Hope it will help you...