hi everyone. this is my first time building a computer. so far i have 1. motherboard intel g33 2. western digital 250 hard drive 3. processor and heatsink/fan i need to get a computer case, im getting it at newegg.com. should i shop arround for a good power supply, or are the 500 w power supplys that come with the case good and reliable.other than that i think i just need my dvd burner. the graphics card is built into the motherboard but i plan on getting something different, i really dont play games alot so whats a good card for cheap.can anyone tell me what else i would need, i know pretty much what im doing i just want some tips on what to do. thanks
Its hard to give much help with ut more details. Whats your price range? What case and power supply are you looking at(links would be helpful). What are you going to use the computer for(gaming,surfing,media,etc)? Do you already own the mobo, hard drive and processor?
It's very rare that a power supply that comes with a case is any more than dangerous rubbish. It's always wise to get a decent quality Power supply from a company like Corsair.
im not really looking to spend alot on a graphics card since i dont really play the games, is there anything else i need other than what i have listed, thanks for your help guys
CPU Motherboard RAM Graphics card (or integrated graphics) CD/DVD Drive (s) Hard Drive (s) Power Supply Case