my comp is showing the screen but the picture is very bad. it isnt very clear and i can see little green lines and pink lines plz help. thank you
It's either going to be the monitor, or the video card (or drivers). To check the monitor, use another one if you can. If it's the video card, most likely that effect can also be seen during startup. First thing you may want to do is uninstall the drivers and then reinstall.
ive tried that it worked fine the first time but then again its giving crap picture. could it be a kind of a virus?
plz cant anyone help me i really need it my comp keeps showing these pink and green pixels all over the screen and my picture is messed up ive tried reinstalling but that didnt work plz thank you
if you had another monitor hooked up to it and it eventually did the same thing, it sounds like a video card issue. there is the outside chance of it being a virus, but I doubt it.
and you have tried plugging in an extra monitor into the laptop and hit on the "fn" and "f10" button to view through an external monitor?