I am trying to delete some pictures from my hard drive and I am getting an error deletingfile or folder message. Can not delete Mix 001: Access is denied Make sure the disk is not full or write protected. And that the file is not in use. Also, some of my picture that are in a folder inside of another folder will not let me view them. I get no preview available. I can see the thumb nail but can not do any thing with them. Can some one please help me figure this out? Thank you in advance!!!!
OK. I figured it out. There was a problem with the ownership of the files. I am not sure how this happened, but if if happenes to you this is how I solved the problem: turned my computer off by unplugging it to force the option of starting in safe mode. After in safe mode I was able to change the ownership back to me. It looked like the ownership had been given to some web site. It looked like an IP adress. I made the changes to all affected files then rebooted. I was then able to burn the files onto a back up disk. Also, I can delete them if I want to now. I was going crazy trying to figure this one out. I found a thread some where that mentioned safe mode. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. My wife was going to kill me if she lost any more pictures.