help device not detecting.

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by dvdking10, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. dvdking10

    dvdking10 Guest

    can anyone help me my removeable device r not being detected like my psp i ccant put games on it anymore or my ipod itunes wont detect it. ihave the little remove saftly thing in the coner of my compy but i cant get nothing i just had to reinstall windows b/c of and NTLDR error could that be the problem is so can someone please please help me fix it please.
    thanks in advanced
    please reply.
  2. dvdking10

    dvdking10 Guest

    will someone that know what there doing please please help me pleaseee
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    with either device plugged in, restart the computer to see if windows will properly see the device. i have to do that on some customers' computers with my external laptop drive.

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