i am having a problem making back ups of DVD's i already own. i first rip it using DVD decrypter than encode using dvd shrink which also burns it via nero on an iomega super dvd writer 4x external usb. Everything seems to work fine until i try to play back the DVD, which usually takes 5 minutes before the DVD registers as being in the drive in my computer or it just spits it out on my stand alone dvd player. It is very frustrating cuz it will work fine for a while and for no reason just start making these coasters. i already added adaptecs aspi layer which worked for two burns then starter making coasters again for no reason and now it is having a lot of trouble with a DVD-RW disc ( i can't erase or burn to it). ill leave it at this for now so i don't skew anyones ideas about what is the problem and so we can start from the beginning. i would really appreiciate any help that you could provide
Hi bitwriter, First I would remove the burner drive in your device manager, reboot and let windows reinstall the drive. That will fix any problem with the driver. Next in device manager check your IDE channels and make sure they are set to DMA if available not PIO. Last thing is when backing up a dvd start with DVDShrink. Let it do the decrypting, compressing if necessary and the ripping all in one step. Then let it auto burn with your choice of Nero or decrypter. Ripping with decrypter is only needed in the rare case when Shrink has a problem with the decryption. Your doing 2 steps when only one is needed. Jerry
thanks jerry, i will reinstall the drivers like you said, already have DMA selected and i heard it was better to let dvd decrypter do the ripping but honestly i can't remember the reasons that were given but they made sense at the time. is it common to have to reinstall the dvd drive drivers (what would make it get "corrupt") also do you think that there might an imcompatabilty with dvdshrink and how dvd decrypter handles ripping some DVD's. also is there another program that is better than DVD shrink that allows you to control the compressing settings etc as with DVDshrink. and i also notice when this problem is occuring with backing up DVDs i also have trouble just burning regular dvd iso's with nero. thanks for your help
There isn't any compatibility issue between Shrink and Decrypter since one of Shrinks settings is the auto burn using Decrypter. However I have heard of some members having problems when they try to use both as the decrypter. Shrink is a very good FREE program which can do about 95% of the movies out there. The corrupt driver issue can be caused by just installing burning programs that may conflict with each other, or things like having programs lock up on you for one reason or another. I do all my backups with CloneDVD2 running Anydvd behind it as the decrypter. They are not free, about $40. each. There is a free trial download on both to see if you like the way they work. I never have any problems with this setup. One other thing to remember, always use good quality blank media. Cheap-poor grade media will usually cause all sorts of problems. I only use Ritek Grade A media. Ripping with decrypter is usually for dvd movies on single layer originals (DVD5's). All larger movies on dual layer discs (DVD9's) you should use Shrink. Jerry
thanks again jerry i haven't had to time to test out these suggestions....but i do have another question about media this time. i am using memorex dvd+r 4x mainly cuz it was a name brand and on sale at the time. what i am worried about it dvd rot or finding out in the next year or so these discs have become unplayable...i already know about ritek disc are the best but how bad is memorex thanks for you help
Memorex at the present time is on the DO NOT USE list. The failure rate is around 50%. They are buying the blanks from CMC-Mag which produces very poor quality media and using their name on the discs. If you already have some, just be aware that they could cause all types of burn errors and playback problems. Ritek is a good choice. Thats all I every use. Jerry