Help!! File is too big.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ms_twana, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. ms_twana

    ms_twana Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Okay, when I try to backup from my hard drive (using Nero), after I have added the files to my Video_TS folder, the bar at the bottom turns red at the end. How do I make the file smaller to make sure it fits. I already tried to condense it when I used Shrink. What else can I do?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2004
  2. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    The capacity of a blank dvd is 4.36gig. If your files that you are trying to burn are more than that it won't fit. Try setting Shrink file size to 4.3gig which is slightly less than full capacity. Then re-try your burn.

  3. ms_twana

    ms_twana Member

    May 26, 2004
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    And how do I do that??
  4. karen2003

    karen2003 Regular member

    May 25, 2004
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    Open Shrink, go to edit tab, click "Preferences" and change the "target DVD size" to 4300 or similar (I have mine set to 4,350 just to make sure everything will fit), click OK. Then click "open files," browse to the video_ts folder full of files on your hard drive, open them, & Shrink will go through its quick analysis (should just take a minute or two). When it finishes that, it should tell you how much compression will be needed to shrink the files to the setting you just made (e.g. 4300mb). If it's not much compression -- say, it's 90% or above -- then you won't need to do the deep analysis, just have it go straight to encoding.

    I'm just curious -- you wrote that you'd already used Shrink -- how much did Shrink shrink the original files? (I'm just surprised that the shrunk files wouldn't fit.) The more info you can give us on your posts, the better. Good luck!
  5. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    The default Target DVD size in DVD Shrink is 4464MB. This is actually quite close to the absolute maximum that a single layer DVD can be.
    DVD-R/W = 4 706 074 624 bytes ( 4488 MB )
    DVD+R/W = 4 700 372 992 bytes ( 4482 MB )
    That size just gives a slight safety margin and only works with the best quality disc's.
    Many people find that setting a Custom DVD Target size in the 4300MB - 4400MB range give them a more realistic margin that allows for any mis-calculation made by Shrink and problems recording to the outer edge of the disc on DVD's especially lower quality ones.

    Deep Analysis takes a lot of extra time but it serves two important functions. Any time that Shrink applies compression to a DVD there is a possibility that it will mis-calculate the actual compression needed and miss the target size. Using Deep Analysis will make sure that Shrink is very close to the Target size. Setting a smaller Target size when Deep Analysis is not used will just set up a safety margin for any mis-calculation of size. Also when more compression is used Deep Analysis is supposed to improve picture quality.

    There is also a maximum amount of compression that can be obtained in one single Shrink operation. This can cause problems when a complete Full Disc copy is made of a large DVD. Re-authoring or removing some audio or extras that are not needed will most times get past this maximum compression. But if a complete Full Disc copy is needed, then it may be necessary to Shrink to a Hard Disk Folder or ISO Disc Image the first time and then (Re-Shrink) that a second time.

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