I lost my E files to my xbox and getting error 21. I can still play games, but I can't get in too my xbox settings like dashboard or hard drive. I have my C files and my backup files. What can I do to save my xbox and can I make a E file bye using the two files that I have.
Well I had this same problem so I'll tell you how I fixed it: I popped in Halo 2 and clicked to see if it would connect to Live and it said I had to update my dashboard and it connected and I got my MS dashboard back.
got it fixed thanks, would you happen to know how to lock a hdd that came in a Frozen sercurity featcher mod
Well just go into your modded dashboard and go into the settings area and there should be a lock hard drive option. I know there is one in the Evolution X dash board.
I'm trying to upgrade a Maxtor 160gb hard drive to my xbox, I softmodded the xbox and I installed the (C) and (E) files into the Mator 160gb hard drive, but I cann't get it to lock, any idea what I'm doing wrong.
some drives don't support locking..I found a big list once.......here http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/modules.php?name=Xbox_HardDrives
what did it say when you started the disk up in the computer was it like: 1. 2. 3. 4. somethin like this for things to choose? did you get this xboxhd off xbins? do you have msn messenger so i can talk to you i think i can help you lock your hdd
i tried to do that thing with Halo 2 and 2 oth games, it didnt work. It asks me to make a new acont, i try,it says to go to dashboard, i press ok. It resets the game. help
i never had one, ohh i guesse u need xbox live to do it.. Any other way? And do u no where i can download the original MS dasshbord off of torrents or xbins or whatever
Well how did you loose your Xbox files in the first place? Did you soft mod your Xbox? If so did you make a backup or your original dashboard? If you did than there should be a Restore MS Backup option in the soft mod installer you used.
i didnt backup anything, i softmodded it, i was changeing my skins and error 21 poped up. no i cant boot dash
If you didn't back the Microsoft Dashboard then you'll need hddmaker or another bios maker to create a new dashboard for your Xbox.
Wow, i never knew you can do that. So ill have to hook up my harddrive to my pc, and paste the Dashboard on or something. Hey I'm wondering, doesnt Slayers EvoX Auto Installer have a Backup of a Ms dashboard in it, If so can I use it by just copying and pasting?