Hello, I am trying to put all of my games on my Xbox hard drive and all of the saves for them onto my computer via FTP. I have successfully done the FTP, I just can't seem to transfer any games or anything. I can't find the games on my Xbox. The games folder seems to be empty, anyone know what to do?
you are most likely looking in the wrong folder. If you can play them on the Xbox then they are there. Which folder are you looking in? They should either be in E:/Games or in F:/Games Other than that the only other problem i could see is that your FTP program is just not working like it should.
I looked in both folders and there are no games showing up, I have about 20 on there. I just can't figure this out
Try a different FTP program, or even look in the program you use at the options to see if it is not set to show all your partitions. I personally always used WS-FTP Pro which is great. You can look around for a free copy, or just buy it. For me it was the best FTP program i had used. Fast, simple, and accurate. Far better than the FlashFXP that most people use.