I just dont know what is going on!!! My hard drive is coming up with an error. Error 07. What should I do to fix this, I cant play any of my games!!! I'm dying over here. Any input is appreciated.
7 - kernel - HDD timeout Most of the times, the IDE cable is not properly connected when you see this error. Please reattach the ide cable. Not only to the harddisk drive but also to the dvd drive. ALso try to reconnect the ide cable to the motherboard. Press pretty hard so it goes all the way in. Make sure it is seated straight and proper in the drives and the motherboard. If you still have an error 7. Try another ide cable. If that won't work try another harddisk. If there is still no go, try to set the jumpers on the rearside of the harddisk drive. Set it to master or cable select.
Thanks for your response xxTeakxx. I've spent the entire morning doing every step that you mentioned above. But alas, nothing is working. I even went out and bout a new IDE cable. Nothing. What do you think the problem could be? I still here the clicking noise and it wont work (though I should note that it did work for about two mins and then nothing).... What is going on???
i put the new cable n an i still got the same error.harddrive making noise.n if i install a new harddrive won't i lose everything on there?
The drive is making clicking noises, a rhythmic tick tick tick?.. It's died.. Bad luck. It's also known for the dvd drive..if a samsung or philips to very rarely die in a strange way to give error 7.. boot with the dvd drive unplugged, if you get error 12 that clears the dvd drive as good. The hdd should spin up normally, and not click in that case. Another test is to attempt to boot to the flashbios screen and unlock the hdd.. If that succeeds then try it in your pc and see if it id's properly.. you may also be able to back up some of it before it goes dead completely I'm tired..it's late, you know what I'm getting at..