Help! Help! Help!

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by diegosans, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. diegosans

    diegosans Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    I have been trying to download [bold]videoraipodconvter[/bold] and run [bold]bearshare[/bold] and I havent been sucessful...When I try to download the downloads ok but when I go to install it in my computer. It says [bold] Download of system components failed. Possible reasons include: 1.I cancelled installation (which I didnt) 2. I dont have a internet connection,(which I am sure I have) or 3. server connection timed out. try running again.[/bold] and the bearshare program does install but when searching for files it says [bold] Queryed connection stabalizing[/bold] And it gives me the message the I have not been able to sucessfully connecto to the gnutella network.......I do recall trying to install limewire on this particular PC and it mentioned to check [bold]internet proxy settings[/bold]......What should the settings be and how do I go about verifying the settings.....P.S. My laptop installed and worked with these programs fine.....Help!!!!!!""
  2. jazo123

    jazo123 Guest

    Try to download it again and save it onto your Desktop. This way, you will not have to search for it and may help the problem. Post back if it still doesn't work ;-)

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