hi! i am new to the board, and i have a bit of a problem. i am trying to create a video using windows movie maker with a song i reli like. however, whenever i try to import a song, it says it is protected by Digital Rights Management. this reli pisses me off because i reli wanna use thing song in my movie thing. so, my question is: how can i get around this??? is there a way??? i am rather technically challenged, so simpler answers would be best! thank you much! kristin l
first what format is the song in e.g. mp3, wav, wma??? once we figure that out we can help u further. btw if it is WMD its harder to find a connvertor but im sure it can b done keep me posted
Hi! thanks for ur help. the file "properties" thing calls it a "windows media audio file" the icon is a blue box with little notes coming out of it. hope that helps! thanks again kristin l
this is a copy of a post i replied to on OMA files, and i figured it applies to most of the questions of how to copy audio and video. If you are absolutely certain you can't or dont know how to copy music or a movie read the following: this may be a little late to reply to this topic, but the answer is simple, If you are unable to convert the OMA file(s), then use sony's own technology against them. I simply took a cable i had and ran my line out (the one you plug your speakers into) and ran it straight to my line-in on my sound card effectively looping the sound. Using Acid Pro (a sony product) i recorded the audio coming out of my sound card. This can be done many ways. Including, but not limited to recording Audio to a VCR tape (yes a VCR). people seem to forget that your PC is a very powerful tool. anything that can be seen or heard on a computer CAN BE RECORDED! If you cant copy a DVD, get a DVD player and hook it up to a TV tuner card. This maybe a bit low tech, but you guys never mentioned it before, at least not in this post.
whoa...run that by me again... sry i don't know what u r talking about.... as i said i am not very tech savvy, esp when it comes to manual tecj stuff that involves cords and lines and i don't even kno what a line in is... sry thanks for the imput tho! i appreciate it. any other suggestions??? kristin l
whoa...run that by me again... sry i don't know what u r talking about.... as i said i am not very tech savvy, esp when it comes to manual tecj stuff that involves cords and lines and i don't even kno what a line in is... sry thanks for the imput tho! i appreciate it. any other suggestions??? kristin l