No all you need is a hudless gametype which can be found on the codejunkies website and you also need a video capture card.
What a video capture card is: Here is an example: Of corse that capture card only has a video input. You would need to find one with audio left and right inputs too if you wanted sound!
and where might 1 find a capture card with sound that does'nt have to be bought and online but, at a store like in the mall
I think I saw some at Best Buy. And hudless gametype, I could get you one. Just gimme a week I'm on vacation.
It's a gametype for Halo 2 like team slayer or jugganaut but your gun's hud, your radar/health, your ammo, and ect. don't show up so the whole screen is blank except for your master chief's line of view.
not trying to be rude or anything but it's been a week, could u pleaz get me that hudless game type PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$&r=0&l=1&g=1297285220&p=8 then hit ctrl+f and type movies and find next then you find the save slayer:movies download it and transfer to xbox play halo 2 select it and play..simple...your mostlikly lazy or just cant find things (dont worry im the same)
no problem...he just most likely wasnt looking in the right place or didnt know the CTRl+f search method and missed it