HELP!!!!!!! I can't get my image off

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by ScottyJ45, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. ScottyJ45

    ScottyJ45 Guest

    After GCos v1.0R2 is done ripping it siads to go to, when I do that on my internet explorer I just get a "can't find page error". How the hell am I suppose to get the iso then?
  2. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Your connection is probably not setup right or you are not using a crossover cable.I would suggest looking into the viper multi ripper tutorial,it will tell you how to setup your connection.Once you have established your connection,you should be able to transfer your images.Make sure you are using a crossover cable though if you are hooking the GC directly to your computer,if you are using a straight cable it won't work unless the straight cable is plugged into a router and has the right ports forwarded for a connection.
  3. ScottyJ45

    ScottyJ45 Guest

    In your ripper v1.o tutorial, you have this for setting up you computer ip setting:1. " Configure your PC
    First of all open up the the “network connections”.
    Then open the connection you are using for the cube.
    Once opened, select the “TCP/IP protocol” and click on “Properties”
    After this step. In the new window you will see the IP you used until now. Click on
    A new window will open up on your screen. On the “IP settings” add a new IP. Type in as the IP and as the Subnetmask. Due to a bug other IPs won’t work
    at the moment.
    When all things go right you should see the new IP back in the “IP-Settings” – Window", but I can't seem to have my "ip settings" and new iP setting option pop up. Could you please explain this in more detail?
  4. ScottyJ45

    ScottyJ45 Guest

    L-Burma, I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    Hey ScottyJ45 send me a private message with your email and I will send you the vipermultiripper tutorial and the tool if you need it alright.It has alot of pics in the tutorial on setting up your connection,so it might help in a visual sense(the pics from the tutorial will give you a good view of what to do).It is pretty straight forward to be honest,probably the best to look at setting up a connection so far I have seen from a modchip directly to the PC.Try the vipermultiripper out first,then use different rippers once you get your connection.It should make it alot easier for you to establish a connection at first.Once you get your connection running,you can switch to different ripper programs.Another thing to look at could be your firewall or your internet connection that is active that you use for internet.They can make it hard to get a connection on your GC also.The ethernet card you are connecting to should probably be set to 10Half Base when configuring the advanced settings also.I didn't have any problems once I set the connection to 10Half Base in the advance options of my ethernet card.Once the connection is established you can go back and change it to Auto in the selection.
  6. L-Burna

    L-Burna Active member

    Mar 25, 2003
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    If you disable your internet and firewall this will also help you out also.What you wanna do is try to free anything that can block or mess with the ports the GC is trying to pass through.
  7. ScottyJ45

    ScottyJ45 Guest

    Hey Burma, Thanks to your ripper guide I got the fusking thing working. The "ripping guide" at is full of shit. They don't tell you jackshit about GC IP and Computer IP's. I got the mutiviper ripper to work, but it's slow as hell. I tried burning the NGCDEVR02a ripper onto a dvd and open up the dol file using "disc explorer", it's siads "dol loading" or something like that but nothing happens. How the hell are you suppose to load the NGCDEVR02 that rips 1800kbs per second!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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