Yesterday i wanted to play on xbl, and it wouldn't let me with the mods so i erased the files for it. After that i could play online and everything was working. Today i put in Halo 2 to play on xbl and a # 16 error comes up saying i need service. My xbox cant do anything accept turn on. can someone please help me to fix this problem?
Ok, lets try to troubleshoot. Answer there questions for me bro: 1) Are you able to cold boot a game? (cold boot = have the game inside your xbox b4 you turn it on. When you turn it on, it boots straight to the game.) 2) Is your xbox still softmodded? (try to cold boot a game you backed up) 3) Do you still have your linux files on there? I didnt understand whether you deleted those or h2 modded maps... 4) Do you have enough money for a mod chip? You might need to buy one...
way to keep a cool head azzi lol. k down to buissness it sounds like you deleted or altered some of the xbox dashboard files this link should help. I would recomend getting a mod chip adn just updating the xbox using slayers auto installer. Any more questions? ask away
<off topic> One questions kingo...why did you call me azzi? haha you are the 2nd person to do that. I dont think people get what my name is suppose to "be": acid rain. I usually spell it AzzidReign...but I couldnt do that here since it only accepts 1 letter shorter than my name
1) Are you able to cold boot a game? (cold boot = have the game inside your xbox b4 you turn it on. When you turn it on, it boots straight to the game.) 2) Is your xbox still softmodded? (try to cold boot a game you backed up) 3) Do you still have your linux files on there? I didnt understand whether you deleted those or h2 modded maps... 4) Do you have enough money for a mod chip? You might need to buy one... I can have a game in the xbox bbefor it is running. but when i turn the xbox on it goes to the error screen, it doesn't boot the game. I dont think it is softmodded anymore. I i deleted all the softmod files I can probably get a mod chip but i would rather fix my xbox without it if i can.
If i do have to use a modchip what should i get? and where do i get the files to return my xbox back to normal??
i bought the duox 2 modchip off of it was 15 $ adn i used torrent sites for my files or you can use xbins it has most files u will need