Hi, I have purchased a DVD writer from a local store, but on installing it I can't identify what driver to load for it in Pinnacle InstantDVD. According to Windows the drive is a "DVDRW DRW-1S81" and CDVDInfo tells me that it has firmware revision HSG7. It's an 8x +R/4x -R model. I've trawled the web a little and discovered that it might be a rebadged Liteon 811S. Can anyone confirm this, and if so will it be safe to load the latest 811S firmware onto the drive? Thanks.
4KUS DVDRW DRW-1S81 Its a Lite-On LDW-811S OEM drive There is a newer firmware available for it at http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1724 and of course Lite-On utils should also work for it (KProbe, LtnRPC)