Help ilo DVDRHD04

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by owayne, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. owayne

    owayne Guest

    Does anyone know what it takes to make a finalized didk from the DVDRHD04 play on anyother DVD Player? I have 5 in my house and the disk will not paly on any of them. HELP!
  2. LCSHG

    LCSHG Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    I am going to assume that you never finalized a disk with this unit.

    I take it you are using +R disks. If using +RW no finalizing is necessary. I hav a RHD04 and have used both and have had no problems. One machine an older Sanyo would not accept them. But 5. I would think the odds are against it. Before you blame the machine make sure its not in the operation.

    Finalizing a disk is an option in the tools section. [On the remote buttons, 2nd row from bottom, third from left]. Page 39 in manual

  3. owayne

    owayne Guest

    As I said the disk has been finalized and yes, I have tried 5 other DVD players and the disk will not play on any. I am using +R disks and I need to find out what other DVD players they will play on?
  4. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    Make sure the HD04 has the latest firmware on it. Also, you may need to check if your other players are able to play +R/RW media.
  5. sunnysgr8

    sunnysgr8 Guest

    Are you using the Go-DVD as the go between? We have found DVD-R do not record or play on another machines, the dvd+r & the dvd-rw (probably the best but could get erased )will play if the machines are both compatable (able to play +r/RW media) and electrically ( my husbands sleeping he could explain it better, has to do with whether they are neg. or poss. run).
  6. nishruu

    nishruu Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I am having the same problem with the DVDRHD04
    the DVD+RW will not open on any thing other than the DVDRHD04
    but a DVD+R will play,rip,etc

    have the latest frim ware from ilo site
    have not tried the hacked verision

    and the recorder will not finalized a DVD+RW
    I have only tried maxwell +RWs because it was all I could get

    any help
  7. owayne

    owayne Guest

    I downloaded the latest firmware (ILOHACKED) and everything is working fine.

    You can not finalize a DVD-RW. It is a RW so you can reuse over and over.
  8. nishruu

    nishruu Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    it appears to be the media
    I tried another DVD+RW philips instead of maxell
    an now Ican read the DVD+RW files


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