hi im addicted to the internet do you know any online support groups to help me with my addiction LOL.nah ive been involved in computers since i had a sinclair spectrum back in 1986.also had an atari 2600(1988)sega master system(1991-1994)then it was the snes(1994-1999)then i upgrade to a PS1(1999-2003)now im on my xbox and pc all the time.I cant belive it ive been playing games since i was like 18months old.i guess its cheaper and healthier than drinking which i still do and smoking dope(been straight for 17months) and taking speed (been clean since new years eve 2003)stuck 12kms from a local shop theres nothing to do out here.hopefully when i get my car and g/f i will spend more time with them and less on the net.