I sure hope someone can help me! When I go online and open internet explorer, I will type in a web address. I will get to the website I want, but after a few minutes I get an error message saying that internet explorer has encountered an error and will close. I click on don't send and the screen closes and restarts. I go to another website and it does the same thing! I tried everything I could to get this to stop and it hasn't.... so I decided it was time for a reformat. Of course on dialup, downloading the updates takes FOREVER. However, I reformatted and downloaded the critical updates. I tried going to a website and again internet explorer needed to close. My computer is in the process of reformatting again and I am currently using my mother's computer. Why is this happening? Do I have a virus, trogan, worm, etc that I can not get rid of with a reformat? Am I doing something wrong?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am new to all of this, but I still try to figure it out on my own... however, this one has me stumped!! Thanks for any help....
Hi What version of IE do you have? Read here: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=293623 http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=810887
Hello, I am not sure what IE I have and since I am in the middle of downloading some updates, I am unable to check. I will get that info as soon as I can... I believe it is IE 6 but not 100%. I am also running Win2k if that helps any. Thanks!
Ok the version of IE that I have is 6.0.2800.1106IS. I hope that helpful and what you were asking for!
Check out this link in that case: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=293623 To resolve this problem, update the Pdm.dll file by installing the appropriate upgrades that are described in this section.
Thanks for the help rav009, but in reading that article, it doesn't say anything about 2000 professional. Then again, I could be missing something. Would you happen to know what the significance of f.exe is? Apparently it was allowed access to my computer but I have no idea what f.exe is for! Thanks for all your help...