HELP ME PLEASE! avi to dvd

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by xtommx, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    i am borderline frustrated with this. i have been trying to burn my downloaded AVIs to DVD+R. here is what i did.

    i found a program called dvdsanta. i thought i could convert and burn my avis right then and there using that one program but turns out i cant! after i encode and write and i stick it in a dvd player or 2nd comp it doesnt even read that theres files on the disc itself. next thing i did was i click and drag the files that it left on my comp from converting to another program, DVDshrink which in turn will convert it to an ISO file and i thought it would burn using DVDdecrypter. so i tried it and everything seems like its working. so after it was done, i took the disc out and stuck it in my philips dvd player and it didnt play, although it DID read that it was a DVD but jus no sounds or pictures. so afterwards... i had no idea what i did wrong cuz i know i did it right. i've ripped DVDs before using the same two programs and everything works. another thing i should've mentioned was that i have media center on my comp and i've burnt AVIs using that before but they were foreign films and were only 25 mins long but for some strange reason it wouldnt burn my american movies. so anyways... back to my problem. after i checked the movie in the DVD player and it wouldnt work, i went back to the comp and open the files on the DVD. i noticed that they were IFO, VOB, BUP and they were all in a folder called Video_TS. those were the same kind of files on the DVDs that worked so i am stumped! another thing... the DVD works on comps when you click and drag the files to a media player but it wont play automatically. PLEASE HELP ME? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? OR IS IT THE DVD PLAYERS PROBLEM? PLEASE HELP?
  2. nrautava

    nrautava Guest

  3. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    Decrypter isnt a burning program, it utilises other burning apps to get your project to disc.

    What i suggest you do first is download avicodec and then run your avi file through it.Post your resulks and then we will be able to direct you to your next step.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2005
  4. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    what exactly does avicodec do? cuz im already able to convert the AVI file to IFO,VOB,BUP and then back to ISO. i am also able to burn it using decrypter too. the problem is it wont play on a dvd player or a comp. i have to manually click and drag the files on the disc to a media player in order to make it play.

    i await for your reply. thank you
  5. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    once you load the file into the program , it will give you the details of the file so that you can post them to all to see.

    software desc:

    [bold]ec v1.2 - Free multimeda files analyser :
    Gives detailled information, especially the codecs needed to play the file, and where to download those codecs if they are missing on your system. [/bold]

    Recognized formats :
    Natively : AVI, ASF & WMV, Real (.rm, .rmvb), Ogg (.ogg, .ogm), Mpeg-(S)VCD-DVD (.mpg, .vob)
    Others : all those handled by DirectShow (.mp3, ...).
    Features : install program, tooltips, drag & drop support, accessible from contextual menu in Explorer, export of all the information, recusive directory analysis, ...
    Langages : Chinese, Deutsch, English, Español, Francais, Greek, Hungarian, Italiano, Nederlands, polski, Portugûes, Romanian, Russian.
    If your language is not there, please help me to add a translation in your language.
    Code : Borland C++ Builder 6. Source code available on demand.
    New : Next release (1.3) will use MediaInfo DLL to grab file information. MediaInfo adds Mastroska support and others interesting things !
    General information : I live in France in Lyon.
    Explications en français : Paco Elgino, Patarien
  6. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    are you sure its in the right format? maybe its in PAL and your player can only play Ntsc, or vice versa. However i wouldn't recomend dvdsanta, i lost lots of quality with that, i'd go with avi2dvd, as it preserves quality and will encode them automatically with some really good freeware programs built into a gui. avi2dvd will also create the video_ts / audio_ts folders and an iso for you, so you can burn either. I'd also recomend using alcohol 120% for burning the .iso due to nero not working for me. also try using vlc media player on your computer, it can open/play like any fileformat imagineable.
  7. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    File: 699 MB (699 MB), duration: 1:26:27, type: AVI, 1 audio stream(s), quality: 62 %

    Video: 600 MB, 971 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 640*272 (2.21:1), MP43 = MS MPEG4 V3, Supported

    Audio: 98 MB, 159 Kbps, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, 0x55 = Lame MP3, Supported
  8. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    yes i am burning it as a NTSC format and my player is on NTSC format. so i still dont see the problem. i will also try downloading avi2dvd and the alcohol 120% programs. i will post results. thank you for the help so far. thank you everyone
  9. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    i have downloaded avi2dvd. programs seems a little too complicated. can someone please give me a quick run through on how to burn using that. thank you. i await for the replies.
  10. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    the flags on top choose the language. Firstly start with step 1. click load, and then locate the avi file that you want to convert, it will automatically find the audio stream if it is embedded within the avi file, otherwise you have to choose which one you want, make sure its in enlish if you are english, or otherwise chooe your language. Don;t touch anythign else as avi2dvd will automatically detect the aspect ratio. Step 2: choose what you want to convert to, most likely DVD, and it will be already choosen. Then select the disc size, single layered dvd-r +r +rw -rw is the 4.7gb option, you can also change it to dual layer DVD-9 8.5gb. this tells avi2dvd what the target size is.keep the aspect rationt he same as in step 1, unless you want it widescreen, you might lose some quality(such as squished video, it will be in letterbox). Check the box for .iso if you want it to make an iso or image file, otherwise a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders will be created. You can also check the conversion box, if the Pal to Ntsc is selected, your video is in Pal form right now, if the Ntsc to Pal is open, your video is in Ntsc form. You can also select the chapter size if you want, default is 10 mins. Step 3: Encoders, what to choose? CCE is a VERY high quality encoder, professional, i have not been able to use it as it is a couple thousand dollars to purchase. However i have been using HCEnc with profil: best and matrix: mpeg,
    this encoder will take 2 passes to encode, ensureing less loss of quality, i've been really pleased with this one so far, it does a good job, however when encoding i recommend not to use your computer till its down, as it takes 100 %cpu and a good chunk of memory.
    Step 4: if you have subtitles you can add them into it with this, subtitles are in the .srt file format, if your avi came with one select it, if not don;t bother. Step 5: menu, i don;t know how to use this, see the guides section for more setails.

    after you have that all taken care of, click add job, and then go, let it run and at the end of the process you will have your dvd files ready to be burned.

    And that concludes avi2dvd in a nutshell, see the guides section for me details
  11. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    is avi2dvd's purpose to convert the avis to iso? cuz i am already able to do that but i will try it your way with avi2dvd. so after the process is done? what do i use burn it with? does it burn with avi2dvd or do i use another program? i've been burning with decrypter. some say it doesnt burn but i've managed to burn using it but it jus wont play. so any suggestions or inputs? thank you and i await for the reply.
  12. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    i havn;t burned nethign with dvd decrypter and i am pretty sure it runs off of neros burning engine, you might want to verify one the guides part tho. Avi2dvd converts an avi file into an iso if you check that box, but otherwise just an VIDEO_TS/ AUDIO_TS folders which is the .vob .nfo , etc your normal DVD files. but if you check the iso box, you make both and then you can choose which one, i prefer the .iso its easier to work with. If you just want to burn the iso, i would use the program Alcohol 120%, its free for 30 days i think, it does a really good job, i've tried burning ios with nero and it doesn;t work for me.

    Also look in the guides section under coneverting to dvdr thats how i first learned to do it, and it worked wonderful.

    Oh and if you have burned it to a disc and when you load it into your dvd player and it says disc error, its probably a bad disc aka coaster
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2005
  13. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    whats the difference in avi2dvd and dvdsanta? the outcome is the iso file right? so i dont see the difference in programs. but i will try to burn it. also, the avi2dvd program process is kinda long. it took over 2 hrs for me. is that normal? any suggestions for a faster program? i will try using the alcohol 120% but like you said its only for 30 days so do you have another suggestion for burning that is not a trial. thank you and i await for your reply.
  14. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    well unless you have bought dvdsanta, you have an annoying watermark in the video stream that will appear during playback, i think you might be able to edit it out with another program tho ;P. And yes avi2dvd is slow, but if you watch the video when encoded with dvdsanta and avi2dvd, you should see a difference in quality, avi2dvds encoders are much better quality, and if you want quality it takes time, less quality means it will encode faster, so its up to you. Right now i don;t have any other programs to burn .iso's you could try nero, i've tried it and wouldn;t let me burn, soemthing about it being too big, over 2gb, i dunno, but neways hope you;ve gotten the help you needed,

    Have you looked at the guides yet on all these processes???? If not I URGE YOU TO.
  15. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    i found another program, its called deepburner, its free, no set ammount of time it looks like, and you can burn ,iso's
  16. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    i am successful finally! i have just finished encoding and burning and it worked! i was jumping for joy. thank you ahjukhir for helping me out. i appreciate your help very much. anyhow... i am having another problem. i've try burning another AVI movie but this time i thought i'd try it to add subtitles but it didnt work. avi2dvd said there was some type of error. the files are all there but they are shorten. for example.. normally the iso file should be around 4 GB but this time it was only in the MB, no where near the hundreds. what do you think seems to be the problem? thank you. im sure its not a huge problem, jus maybe i should or should not be using a certain option. thank you again and i await for the reply.
  17. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Well congratulations on ur successful burn.

    Ah yes subtitles, remeber that they must be in the .srt format otherwise avi2dvd won;t recognize them. However if the iso ended up not to size then thats bad, i would say re-encode the original. If the avi is broken into multiple parts, label them CD1, CD2, CD3, etc, and same with the subtitles, like SUBCD1, SUBCD2, etc then just load the first and the rest will be joined together into one. Also all your settings from the previous encoding should be "saved" for the most part, i don;t want to explicitly say saved cus it doesn;t really do that it just remebers it, but neways some problems do arrise during the encoding proccess, if you were doing something else on your ocmputer at the same time could affect it, plus any other programs that were running in the background.

    All i can say is re-encode it for now.
  18. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    well... i've re-re-re-encode and it doesnt seem to work. i've tried a different movie and the error message still came up but the good news is that it was still able to make the iso and was able to burn it and watch it. i have no idea whats causing the other movie not to work. anyhoo. do you mind me askin for your email address so i can email you in the future for any other questions? thank you again.
  19. xtommx

    xtommx Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    by the way... whats a good site to download subtitles? because normally, i use and the site seems to have mostly sub and rar files. the avi2dvd program will only take txt or srt. where can i download the subtitles with that file type? thank you.
  20. ahjukhir

    ahjukhir Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Last edited: Oct 24, 2005

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