Help me plz before i smash my computer!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by shivera, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. shivera

    shivera Guest


    I play alien vs predator 2 and its expansion primal hunt-I love both these games sooooooooooo much. When I play online the lag makes the attack take longer to get to the person I die before my attack gets to the person. I have dial-up and wonder if there is a internet accelerator that works that will fix this and that is free. I would rathere not switch to dsl or cable. Another thing is when I restart my computer or turn it when I have choices they do the little thing when you put you mouse over a choice it higlights, well it goes back and forth and I haft to press enter to fix this. Onmy old comuter it freezes somtimes when I turn it on or restart it and it freezes somtimes when I shut it down. I freezes at windows is shutting down. I took it to a repair shop, but the guy said it didn't happen when he turned it on and off. My computer teacher says he leaves his computer on and never turns it off unless he is gone for a while. He said that making the wires or somthing like that cold and hot says that it will eventually be lose. So he says that keeps them hot, but on my computer it starts getting sluggish and when I restart it goes back to being fast. Should I leave it on all the time, or should I turn it off every night or when I am done with it?

  2. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    If the lag is caused by the game sending a lot of information across your internet connection, there's probably not much you can do about it without upgrading to a faster connection or possibly switching to another dialup number (or even a different ISP). It's also possible that your PC's hardware or OS just has a hard time keeping up with the additional work of communicating with the server while the game is running. In order to determine what could fix the problem you need to consider your hardware, OS, any other software running while you play the game, the quality of your phone line, the actual speed you connect at, and how much data the game actually sends and receives across the internet.
    First of all, the problem isn't the wires, it's the chips, especially the CPU. Every time you turn on your computer, you're essentially sending a small power surge through the motherboard. Since PC components are designed to power on this way, it's not a big problem, but your teacher is right in saying that it's a good idea to leave it on as much as possible, at least from the point of view of component life. In reality, though, you have to take the OS into account as well. DOS based versions of Windows (95, 98, and ME) tend to develop problems if you don't reboot regularly. There are a variety of reasons for this, but the biggest ones are poor memory management and poor multitasking. On the other hand, NT based versions (NT, 2000, and XP) have much better memory management and multitasking, as well as many other improvements. Leaving a computer with NT based Windows running all the time shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    For the ag user it doesnt matter much. Although I would reccommend AGAINST it because i would imagine the avg user doesnt have some tricked out cooling/dust-filtration system in place.

    AVP2 is a high intensity game aint it? Dialup will work but you wont enjoy it much.

    COuld you be slightly more descriptive?
  4. therock..

    therock.. Guest

    for a start get broadband!!!!!!!

    and what are your pc specs?????
  5. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I have done some test to answer the age old question, leave computer on or turn off. I have found that leaving it on is good for the Hard drive, doen't fire up and improves the live on it. This was observed comparing 386 with 500Mb hard drives. How ever leaving on all the time will burn out Power supplies. One computer is now on its 3rd power supply, other is still on first. So I would say turning it off is good if it is not going to be used for 12 hours. But frequent on and off seems to be bad. As in don't do that every 2 to 4 hours.
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Nice but that doesnt take into account the fact that newer drives dont suffer the same problems as the old ones did.
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Ya I know that, that is why I listed the system I tested it with. The new Hard drives are much better then the old, much less sensitive. I have drop a new hard drive and still fine. You look at older model the wrong way and it shorts out. I have even handled a new Maxtor drive with wet hands, dinking coffee and with out a static guard. The older drives wouldn`t like that much.
  8. shivera

    shivera Guest

    Ok, when I turn my comoputer on or, restart it when I click on an icon it won't come up, or when I choice like allow this or block it comes up it goes from block this to allow this back and forth and it wont let me choose anything. When I press enter it fixes this. I have windows XP, 512MB DDR SDRAM, 120GB Hard drive, and a 2.08 GHz AMD Athlon XP processor, and a NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX graphics with 64MB DDR shared video memory. I usually only play or mess with my computer after school.Like from 4:30 to 9:00 at night. Somtimes maybe later. Should I leave it on, or turn it off? I also got dsl :).

  9. shivera

    shivera Guest

    Some one plz reply!
  10. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I read this, but still have know idea what your problem is. You say you can't open icon's, but what do you mean buy block it? Then you say when you press enter the problem is solved. Can you open programs? Is this an Icon you created or did it magically appear? Why are you tring to block it? and what do you mean by blocking it?
    The time of day you use your computer shouldn't effect anything, except the amount of sleep you get. Someone may be able to help you if you are a little more discriptive.
  11. shivera

    shivera Guest

    Ok, when I turn on or restart my computer, when I click on an icon it goes to the one to the right,but doesn't open it. When I have a choice,for an example terminate program "yes" or "no" the little highlighter thing when you check yes or no will go back and forth really fast on yes and no. Keep in mind that is an example. It won't let me click either one. When I check enter it fixes this. Please help me it is very annoying. My old computer still freezes when I turn it on or restart it. It also freezes when I turn it off. It will freeze at "Windows is shutting down". When I press delete it unfreezes. It won't unfreeze the "Windows is shutting down" though. Please help me with this as well it is very annoying.
    One more thing, wich is better for a Westell WireSpeed external DSL modem, ethernet or usb?
  12. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    HAHAHAHA so true so true.

    This may sound like I'm joking... but I'm not: are you pressing the right cursor key? If not get a new keyboard

    WTF? Does it freeze or doesnt it? :p


    Okay this is what you do:
    1. Get a coin
    2. Pick heads or tails.
    3. Throw the coin at a wall
    4. Look at the coin. If you guessed right then turn the computer off every night, otherwise, leave it on.
    Seriously though, it doesnt make much of a difference unless you are concerned with heat or stuff like that. Voltage and crap like that is not an issue anymore. Not for like ... uh.... um... 5 years now? :)

    And since when did sleep affect anything? :p

    What he said. :)
  13. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    When you are tring to open by clicking on an icon, are you using the mouse or the keyboard? If using a mouse is it an optical, or wireless mouse. if so then clean the bottom and change the batteries. If you are using the keyboard, click anywere on the desktop with the mouse. Then use left or right cursor to move around and press enter when reach the icon. The freezing when shutting down in Windows is very common you have to expect it. Just turn off your computer. But how is it freezing when shuting down if it frezes when starting? Does it start and then frezes? or does it start some times and frezes others?
  14. shivera

    shivera Guest

    You people need serious help. Why in the freaking world would I click on an icon with my keyboard. I mean,wtf,I use my mouse! DUH!
  15. shivera

    shivera Guest

    One more thing, do you guys know if speed patches and that kinda crap actually work for broadband? Cuz I got dsl and it's only at 243kbps or so and its supposed to get up to 250kbps! Another thing, why the heck is my download speed at 30-50kbps and its supposed to be 250kbps as advertised!
  16. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Download speed depends on the source from were you download. That is the bottle neck. I have been on some places were the max is 1.2, and the University of Toronto has Fiber optic cable so downloading from them is fastest I have seen, what ever you can go to.
    Also when I offer help I never assume anything. That would make it harder to answer all types of questions. I could assume you only speak french and thus
    L'aide d'ordinateur pour les personnes qui veulent assumer tout fait à des réponses plus dur encore. N'assumez ainsi rien à et eassier aider d'autres.
    Get my point.
  17. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    UR DSL is rated for 250kbits/sec and ur downloads are ~30kbytes/s -- perfectly fine.

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