everything was fine on itunes. i checked. then i updated my ipod and it had the update bar on tha top and everything was normal. when i unplugges my ipod and tried to listen 2 my musik it was all gone! my musik, movies, and pics were all erased! this is tha second time this has happened. when i plug my ipod back in and decide to update everything back on, it wont let me click on the update button. now i hafta restore it and update everyhthing again. on the bottom right of the start menu bar an little info bubble pops up and it says sumthin like 'the ipod is corrupt and the files cant be read. run the chkdisk utility' - (it says sumting like tht) im not sure why this keeps happening but can sum1 plz help me?
Not everyones around the hour you were posting Kinda late over here on the East Coast of the US Anyway, are you using a USB port on the front of your computer, you would be much better off using one on the back, a lot of times the wiring to the front isn't very good and can cause data corruption. And how old is your iPod? Sounds like the hardrive might be giving way. The iPod functions normally except for not having any songs on it?
i have the EXACT SAME PROBLEM, my ipod video is BRAND new, month old around, and i get the same corrput message...anyone else want to input ideas?