This message goes to all those who think they could answer my question without replying "You Can't!": While softmodding a dashboard in order to, of course, have mods to use for fun, lets just say the wrong person had to screw with it and some f***ing how managed to delete the dashboard but I think the files are still in tact with the hdd locked up. So, What can you do? Description of screen: without game: Xbox/ microsoft screen shows up only With Game: it loads up and it becomes playable BUT without the saved files.
I'll try that but the connection would probably not work and plus can anybody post a site in which where I can find a new dashboard? P.S. what do I do when my HDD is locked up and I cant find the option to unlock it(I was using UnleashX)
Well does anybody know what i can do with a locked up hdd with inaccessable files and deleted dashboard?