Help needed with installing configuring the eurovox 2008

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by graaff40, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest


    I live in Galway, Rural area. I got the eurovox 2008 last weekend in Dublin. The person who bought this for me in Dublin told me he tried it at his place and it worked. I have tried connecting the box, which worked I think, and got the search done for all frequencies.
    I see all channels in the box below but get the messaged No signal. then a message comes op with searching for signal and that is how it stays.
    Can anybody help me in plain English as I am Dutch and might not understand technical terms.
  2. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Ok we need to know if you have N*L or Chor*s (True Cable or MMDS)
  3. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    I'm using N*L. I have been told that the box only works on cable is that true?
    Thanks for helping
  4. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    It will work on both N*L Cable and MMDS

    Have you got the N*L cable in the RF port ?
  5. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

  6. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Sorry about the questions but have you got digital or anagolue in your area
  7. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    N*L the symbol rate 6887, and you only scan from 290 to 402, All channels are between those freq.
  8. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    I'm not sure what MMDS is but we have Digital
  9. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    Don't be sorry I'm pleased you are willing to help
  10. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Ok if you have the N*L cable in RF you have cable (MMDS is aerial on the roof)

    Have you got the channels on the b0x or is it blank ?
  11. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    I have got channels and BBC 24 news is working. The Symbol rate is 6887.
    I Think I have to sit down now and search for all frenquencies. btw I think I have aerial on the roof thats how I get N*L and internet.
    I'm not very good in English technical terms because I'm Dutch

    Thanks for now I'll let you know how I got on
    I can't answer you straight after you ask me an question because a newbie can't response with in 3 minutes.

    Thanks again Celtic71
  12. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Your english is fine so far

    Im just a bit concerned about your N*L , If you have the incoming cable feed into the RF socket and you have some channels , well then it should be fine , I dont know about the aerial on your roof as this should also work with N*L

    Have you rescanned the b0x for your area or are you using the channels from the Dublin set up ?
  13. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    To add freq maually , go to menu, installation, user installation and use the on button guide to add frequencies. Info button will name them as you like preferably 0013 and 0014.

    For any frequency that you want to manually scan you select it in your list first by pressing OK when it is highlighted, ( a tick will appear beside the one you select ), then you press the blue button to manually scan that frequency.
  14. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    I don't know the frequencies for Galway area but have seen the ones for Dublin in the forum so I can look those up and enter them. Not sure where the on button guide is. I tried to manually scan for TRE 1 but it is not coming up. But like I said I will look up the frequencies in the forum and get back to you to let you know if I git them or not.

    Thanks again
  15. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    N*L should use the same freq in Galway and Dublin

    N*L the symbol rate 6887, and you only scan from 290 to 402, All channels are between those freq.

    I have to leave now and go to bed , hope you get it working
  16. graaff40

    graaff40 Guest

    Hi there,

    Last nite I found a few channels that worked.
    This after noon after setting the box to default, because the channels I found where not there any more, and adding a new channel (as all channels where gone) it found 62 channels. Then after a while a lot of the channels are showing the message "Please wait, code being updated" for over an half an hour. the message is still there. So tomorrow I'll reset the box again and add all channels manually.
    After entering all the frequencies manually what do I do then? update with the red button?
    Can you help again?
  17. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    To check if your emulator is enabled. Press menu, press language settings, type 1968 on remote and check it.
    Also tune to S*y sports one as it tunes in much faster.

    You DO NOT need to reset the b0x again

    For any frequency that you want to manually scan you select it in your list first by pressing OK when it is highlighted, ( a tick will appear beside the one you select), then you press the blue button to manually scan that frequency.

    To add these freq , go to menu,installation,user installation and use the on button guide to add frequencies.

    Here is a list of freq you should have

    291.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    299.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    307.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    315.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    323.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    339.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    347.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    355.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    363.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    371.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    379.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    394.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64
    402.000 Mhz 6.887 Maud QAM64

  18. emmanneil

    emmanneil Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Hi All, just a quick one , hopefully this question can be answered as i am sure it will be like all the others i have asked , can the eurovox de-scramble the signal on the Freeview boxs .
    i have a box (freeview) that accepts a card to enable you to watch setanta sports if you sub to it can i use the eurovox to do this for me :)
    thanks in advance
  19. sc0user

    sc0user Senior member

    May 31, 2007
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    Why would you need to do that just use the Eurovox. A freeview box is DVB-T box whereas a Eurovox is DVB-C box, so they are not compatible.

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