ok i have a hardmodded xbox, older than 1.6, aladdin modchip, ms dash, evox and xbmc (default), i can FTP to my xbox, and i can play online with xlink kai, but when i try to download scripts from the xbmc menu, i get a message saying "can't reach www.xbmcscripts.com check your connection and try again!", also youtube doesnt even bother to send me a message, and apple movie trailers just takes me to an empty screen, i dont have a router, i have a cable modem, and the latest xbmc build, i can access folders from my pc (music, vids, etc...) so my only problem is internet.
tried with or without it, tried dhcp, static, each one. i could connect to xlink kai with ms dash, just turning it on and going to system link, but on the xbmc xlink screen, i get an error telling me to check my connection settings, that is for static, then i switched to dhcp and i didnt get that screen, but no rooms nor arenas nor friends nor anything appears on the screen, everything is blank.
ok, i checed as you told me, but i had already done that, i can play my itunes music, vids, etc. through my xbox, i just cant connect to the internet nor to xlink kai
I've just uploaded screenshots of XBMC settings that work fine (in my network tutorial). See if that fixes you up. If not, you may be getting a block on the PC side. Check all your firewalls, turn off that stupid Windows Firewall and also ensure that you've given permissions for the Xbox in your router\modem!
ok i went to your tut and found the new images, mine is exactly the same, with 192.168.x.x but basicaly the same, i found out what was the problem for xlink kai screen, i opened the start config kai thing, and chenged something (cant remember the name) to "engine only (for dashboards)" and everything came out perfect, but i still can't connect to youtube scripts or anything, i turned off both my pc-cillin firewall and windows firewall, but still didn't work, and i don't know how to give permission to my xbox on cable modedm since it's not a router
well then maybe i should just download youtube videos to my pc and stop searching, but thx anyway, i just have one more question, about gamesaves, i downloaded some from gamefaqs.com, halo2 ones, but i don't have a memory card to transfer them to the xbox, i transfer them through ftp, do you know why won't they work, i tried bout 6 and none worked, the download comes like this: UDATA/(number of folder)/(files folder)/ and some files, which should i transfer and where, also savemeta and some other files are found on the previous folder (number of folder) i transfered a fifa 07 gamesave and it worked just fine, but the halo ones are the ones that won't work know anything? also, which program should i use for halo map modding, i have halo 1 & 2, i'd prefer to modd halo 2, but i've found thousands of programs, i want one that isn't to hard to use but with many options, thx