Nero 5.5 doesn't support my writer, nero 6 does, but it's not free. Is there any other software I could get, or is there a way to get nero to support my writer? The writer is a Sony DRU-530A. I ripped my Scary Movie 3 for backup using DVD Shrink, and DVD43 to remover the copy protection. All i need to do now is burn it.
You can download nero ultra 6 each and every month for free. It is good for the whole month. If you decide to buy(which I highly recommend), eagletronics has it for 49.00, it normally sells for 79.00 to 99.00. One thing, they are having problems with the trial version downloads right now, should be fixed in the next 2-3 days. One other thing, you can burn with DVDDecrypter from shrink, from back up target choose ISO files and burn with decrypter in the drop down menu. Decrypter is free and can be found here in AD. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
We have just posted our new versions of Nero 6 Ultra Edtion on our website, as well as the new Nero 6 Demos for the month of August. Regards, Craig
Amazon is selling Nero 6 OEM's for $2.89. It's not the Ultra version, just the burning software which is what you need for this. Click on New and Used for their resellers. If you get it download the free upgrade to make sure it supports DVD burning.
They're pirated copies
Daaaaaammmmmnnnnn! I know a lot who had bought it without problems. Thanx for the heads up, I won't recommend it any more. Ya know, come to think of it, craig, from nero knew I was pushing eagletronics, wonder why he didn't say something? Oh well, I won't any more.
Hi BigOrange, Sorry, but since I do represent a company, I need to be very careful what I say about any company unless I have proof. I don't want to get involved in any lawsuits. And who's to say that all that they sell is pirated copies? It's true that a number of them have turned out to be suspect, and a number of members on this forum have brought this up in other threads. So I just held back on any comments. Regards, Craig
Hey Craig, I do understand your position and I didn't mean to come off throwing any bad light upon you. If I have done so I humbly apologize, that was not my intent. I have nothing but the highest regard for you and your company and was only pushing it for the lowest price I knew of. I had seen some negative comments about eagletronics a while back, but later saw where the accusations had been resolved in a satisfactory manner so I dismissed it. Whether at 49.00 or 79.00 Nero Ultra is a package all should consider adding to their arsenal. I would like to add I'm glad you are a member here at AD and hope you will continue to visit and offer input, which I have tried to pass on down the line. Thanx, Barry
Hi BigOrange, Not to worry. I knew what you meant. But I needed everyone to know our standing on issues like this. Regards, Craig
Hi, It stands to reason that not all the copies they sell are pirated. If they did so they would go down in flames real quick. I imagine it boosts profits quite nicely to slide in a certain amount of bogus copies and simply deal with a certain number of pissed off customers. Despite the fact that some have recieved legit copies I still feel it unwise to recommend eagletronics since it is a known fact that not all copies are legit. Craig, I too have been following your posts rather closely to glean as much knowledge of Nero as I can. I've personally had no problems with Nero so my only option is to learn from those that have them and those that solve them