I hope this is the right forum and that someone can help me. I converted an analog signal to digital with a Canopus AVDC-100. I've done this many times before without trouble. This time however the file shows in Premiere 6.5 it has both (the little icons for both audio and video show in the clip thumbnail) but it only has video with no sound. Even the waveform is flat. If I open the avi file in any other program it plays both. The audio does seem to be offset by a few frames. What can I do to get the audio to show up in Premiere? I've done it on a few tests since then and everything is okay--just not with the avi I need. Thanks!
Hey The same thing happened to me. I attempted to Import a video into Premiere, but it said something about a compression file being off, so I downloaded a program to change the format from .avi to .mpeg. So doing that let me import it into Premiere and when I played it the sound and video worked perfectly. But when I went to take small clips from the video and put them on the timeline, the sound wouldn't play at all. And like you said the wavelength line was completely flat. I have no clue how to fix this, and I'm in the same boat you are. If you get any information on it could you please let me know? AIM = Shibbycutie87 Email = Shibbycutie87@hotmail.com Thanks a bunch, and if I hear something I'll come back and respond again. Good Luck Beckie
what did you use to conver the file? Its possible you need a specific codec to decode the audio. @beckie, don't post your email address, as its against the forum rules. just an FYI.
No additional conversion was used. I did a file--movie--capture of the analog signal throough the Canopus A/D converter and the file it createed is the AVI.
I finally figured out what the problem is. The digital capture was too long. It was 4.5 hours. The maximum on the timeline appears to be 3 hours. I did a search for maximum timeline length for Premiere 6.5 and found several answers stating it was around 3 hours. I also noticed an answer that said Premiere Pro was 24 hours. I put the 60GB 4.5 hour capture on a hard drive and took it over to a friend who has Premiere Pro. Sure enough the sound was there when I tried to edit it. I hope this helps anyone else who has seen this problem.