Help. No video from my dvd, only from my laptop videoLan

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by itsmebob, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. itsmebob

    itsmebob Guest

    OK gang newbie ? so easy on me, I just encodeit hulk cd1, hulk cd2 with this cool little program TMPGEnc.
    I just the my burning with thru vcd nero, and use my regular cdrw, I Can't see the movie in my dvd, I could see it in my laptop thru VideoLan.
    I have two question 1- if is my dvd mintek wich is old and probably not capable of supporting vcd. Cant you recommend a devise the would take just about anything. eventough I played a vcd the I bought in the fleamarket and it looks Good..?
    Question 2-If I burn in a regular blank dvd instead of a regular cd would this fix my problem and i so what specific blank dvd I should Buy and from where if could recomend any, I check ebay and they have like 3 diffrent ones..... Thank you in advanced
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    So you want to Know of a Good DVD Player that Will Play Just about anything?? and you want to Know if you can Burn the VCD on to DVD and have it Play that way??? Well as for DVD Players I have Noticed that the cheaper ones seem to support More Formats especially Ones Made by Chinese company"s Like "ApeX"..Most Apex Models will Play Practicly anything and they are very cheap at under $100..I have one Called an "electrohome" and it Plays everything I have Played on it But I think they are only available In Canada..If you go to "" they have a section on DVD Player compatibility with Hundreds of different models...As For Putting VCD on DVD well yes it can be done But it isn"t called VCD when it is on DVD because the VCD Standard and one of the DVD standards called the SIF standard are allmost exactly the same accept that the Sif DVD standard like all DVD standards Call For audio at 48000hz...So if you were to put VCD"s on to DVD you would Have to demultiplex the VCD file into seperate audio and Video files then Resample the VCD audio to 48000hz ,Then you would Just load the VCD audio and Video into a DVD authoring Program like "Tmpgenc DVD author" and author them to DVD..You can get up to 3 or 4 Full movies on a DVD-R this way..I do this Quite often But I use Mpeg2 instead of Mpeg1 which Produces better Quality at a Lower Bitrate....well good Luck

    PS: As for DVD Media Ritec are Good But I usually use "Maxell or TDK" these days and they work Very good....Cheers
  3. itsmebob

    itsmebob Guest

    WOW great information thankyou very much I got to work now just needed to do a little more reading but your info is awsome. thank you again

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