hello, I am sorry if my question has ben addressed before, but I need an answer fast. I have a set of 5 dvds, and I need 2 copys of each dvd. I have nero software and a memerex dvd writer. When I do copy disk on the program, it will copy fine, and will work on that computer, but when I go to play it on another computer, it says it cannot play because it has copyright "issues". how do I get around that darn copyright? I need these soon! I am using Maxell DVD-RW disks. can anyone help plz. best, delta007
when you burn the discs make sure you have a program like SLYSOFTS ANYDVD running in the background.This program will affect change to both the css copy protections inherent in all commercially made dvds (ones you buy or rent) and also affect the rce code( region) Basically have the program running in the background and you will be able to bypass the protections Alternatively download shrink dvd from the link below and backup your disc with it.The css ripper is already part of the program. http://www.filepedia.com/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm
hello, thank you for your help. I was able to copy the dvds, and play them on another computer. I used dvd decoder to rip the dvds on my hd, then burned them on to a hp dvd-r disk with dvd shrink. I had anydvd running as well, though i don't know if it helped. The only thing is when i put it in the disk, and play it in wmp, it does not show the chapters on the side, just an "E". it is not really important though, the chapters are still there, they just dont show. Thanks for all your help andmerr, it is greatly appreciated. best, delta007
more often than not it does help otherwise when you use programs like clonedvd etc after you put the disc in and try to copy it , you get a message saying this is a copy righted disc and there fore we cant go any futrther.The program then shuts down.But if you have slysofts anydvd running it allows the computer to think that its a non copy righted dvd and will allow you to proceed.