I get this error: error loading OS could this be a bios problem, or a windows problem? ive checked all my settings in the bios and they seem all right. also if i change the boot sequence to cdrom before hdd and put my windows XP pro disk in and start the PC, windows starts up from the disk and it seems that the OS runs from my HDD after it starts up.I think this because it has all of my personal settings and programs that come up. Also when i started the OS with the disk i ran my norton Disk doctor to check for errors and some did show up in the Indexing part. so windows ran a chkdisk and restarted my pc and i ran that disk doctor again and it said there weren't any errors at the indexing part, so i changed the boot sequence back to where the OS should load from the HDD but that same error came up ERROR LOADING OS also i tried the repair feature on the WINXP disk but don't really know how 2 use it. i really dont wanna have 2 have the Xp disk in to get my OS to load. My last resort is to reinstall windows Any comments would be great Thanks in advance
quik question is it a genuine copy of xp with a product key and is it the same cd you used to install xp the 1st time? boot the cd up asif you wer going to reinstall windows you no the blue scree that says to install windows xp now press enter to repair windows usint recovery console etc.. 1st you need to press enter like you are going to install xp, 2nd press f8 to accept liscence agreement 3rd you shuld will get a screen with 2 options "to repair the selecten installation of windows xp press r" and "to continue installing a fresh copy press esc" you need to press "r" to repair, this will start repairing xp and it will go though all the setup you have to do when you install it for the 1st time puting product key in ect but when set up is finnidhed evry thing should co,e up back to normal with all you data and descktop etc still there, hope this helps dave