Can anyone help me with this one as it is really doing my head in.I have a asus A7V8X-X motherboard and have just purchased some new memory.I purchased 2X DDR 512mb PC2700 333MHZ memory.Both stick are indenticle.These are replacements for my old 512mb memory as they have been around to say the least which i purchased second hand.The problem is my new one's will not work together.I have tested both in my pc on there own and both worked fine.The problem is when i put them in togther my system keeps shutting down.I have changed slots around and read the manual which tells me that my mob supports up to 4 to a total of 3gb.Can anyone help me with this one????? john179
Uh... unless that's a typo, you're reading an Intel mobo manual The AMD boards (and in particular the A7V8X-X which i've got), only have three slots with a per-slot maximum of 1GB Now as far as your problem goes, have you set your memory setting in BIOS to "turbo"? If so, drop it down to whatever "normal" is
I wonder why they put it like that in the manual it had me checking around the board for a 4th slot.Ive been in the bios settings and under the computer speed it has memory and advices you to set to auto.I have tried auto and 333mhz.The only other setting are 266mhz and 400mhz.Is there some where else i should be looking for this turbo setting.Can you please explain a little more where i can find this setting to check.As always Praetor your the master in this sort of stuff and your help is really appreciated as always Thanks john179
Gosh I dont know off the top of my head since my A7V is at home with the XP2800 but gimme a bit and I'll fish around the manual it's listen in there methinks.
Apparently I was mistaken with the "Turbo" vs "Optimal" setting present on my A7V333 board but apparently not so on the A7V8X-X board. Is your memory set to run "By SPD"? - Also, might you try setting the BIOS to "failsafes"? - And to also set the BIOS to run an extended memory test on bootup to actually see if the memory works with the board. - Try setting the memory clock to run at the slowest, 266 also
I have dropped my memory speed down to 266mhz on my board and this seems to be working and i have installed a memory manager so far so good.The only problem is i have a few active icons in the tray next to my clock.I have gone in to properties this just allows you to hide when not in use but not remove.Also i have taken everything out of the start up.Is there anything else i can do to remove memory use.As all i have got on is the net and currently using 217mb. Thanks John179
Another thing to look at is the type of memory. Many motherboards have trouble with multiple sticks of dual sided memory. A single stick will work fine, but 2 does not. Does your memory stick have the chips on one side or both? I know in the manual of most of the Asus motherboards I have worked on is a note on that.
They are single sided memory and are both the same make model .The one thing i can not understand is why it takes so much memory up when just surfing the net.It always seems to have around 200mb in use take for instance i was ripping a dvd to my hard drive earlier while surfing 250mb in use now just writing this mail and do nothing else 210mb in use don't get it.
You can kill the processes manually (or grab some type of "Startup Manager" program) Cant remember if this was an issue with ASUS boards? (I know it is with some MSI boards... much to my dismay) What processes are killing the mem?
In my bar next to the clock i do have Nortons security and virus watch on as well as the ghost + ATI monitor all in this tray.I have them under hide when not active.This maybe the cause but you would not think these programes would take up so much as they are meant to just monitor against attacks and so on.The memory however is now working fine as i took your advise and knocked it down to 266mhz in the bios.The problem before was as i mentioned shutting my pc down when it felt like it.I lost a couple of discs when running Nero.Now all is running fine i even backed two discs at the same time and it handled fine. Thanks John179
You can disable those icons in their respective programs; they just serve as "quick and easy access to the application" (as well as being memory hogs)
Have managed to close most down leaving just Nortons open so this must be the hog as it is still the same.Obviously these need to be running so i will have to put up with the loss in there case. Thanks John179
Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and goto the Process tab, sort the list by Memory Usage and note the few that are on top