help please! need to re-vert a .mpv to "something"

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Headborg, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    was working late last nite trying to "fix" an old music video, it had bad audio glitches, the audio "fixed" after demuxing a perfectly good .mpg ...then noticed my "fixed" audio .wav file was totally out of sync with my tired state I DELETED ALL except the .mpv...
    now I need to put it back in a format that Premiere Pro 1.5 will accept so I can build a new Mixed Audio track for it! Any suggestions? what's the best format to revert a .mpv back to for editing? silent .avi? I don't want to hurt the quality of the video( anymore than i have too...and really don't want to TOTALLY RE-EDit re-produce the entire video!
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    MPV = mpeg video; that is, the audio informations have been removed from it.
    Did you read my sticky about 'elementary streams' and my FAQ about the 'sync' problems, before doing that?

    Shame on you! The condemn for your lour lazyness is to lose everything !!!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2006
  3. Headborg

    Headborg Regular member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    actually I got lucky, and didn't lose everything..later I went back to Liquid to see if it would allow me to import a .mpv stream for editing and found It still retained copies of the origional audio files in Reels...renamed A00000xxxA1.wav and A2.wav( left and right) channels audio So i was able to mix these back together. I used TMPGEnc MPEG tools to multiplex the .mpv file to a silent .mpg that way I could import it back into Primiere...everyting is fine now except I want to Mask the end of the video where I placed a rolling credit overlay...and can't get the Mask feature of TMPEG to work...the credits roll past the point where I resized the video and it doesn't look 'clean' any suggestions on this would be helpful.

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