Help Please

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by CrazzyGrk, May 17, 2005.

  1. CrazzyGrk

    CrazzyGrk Guest

    I had someone else mod my system. I know my system is modded. He won't tell me how to burn xbox games on my own, and im left with figuring this thing out on my own. He's installed a mod, does this mean I have a dashboard already installed or no. I have downloaded Evolution X. I have tried to install the bios but everytime I try it doesn't recognize the bios. Under Bios in the settings it says "Unknown". When I try to flash. I get "Unknown Flash Type". Someone please help me.
  2. bennyd

    bennyd Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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  3. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Whoever installed your mod chip is a dick!

    What kind of chip do you have? What happens when you boot up your Xbox? What screen pops up?

    Let me know this stuff and I'll tell you if you have a bios and dashboard on your Xbox.

    If you do not, then I will walk you through on getting everything working correctly :)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2005

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