does anyone no how 2 work the cheat engine 5.2? i need cheats for stick arena and i carnt do it......
Cheat engine 5.2 released posted by Dark Byte on 11-28-2005 cheats for stick arena!!! Infinite health internet explorer ce profile(iexplorer.exe is the best) stick arena game 5. put value between- 122881 and 122889 6.first scan 7.get hurt in stick arena 8.look to see which address changed in ce 9.double click on address 10. freeze address- get a = sign weapon change ce and stick arena iexplorer.exe 3.get into a game in stick arena 4.get a sword and scan exact value- 24 5. get a bat and scan exact value-16 6.get a sledge and scan exact value -56(should have less than 5 addresses) addresses and find the real one then change to desired weapon(sword=24, bat=16, sledge=56, shotgun=48, ak-47=40, glock=32, knife= 8.freeze address speed hack 1.Open ce and stick arena 2.get in a game 3. click enable speed hack on right of ce(select profile also iexplorer.exe.) 4.change speed and sleep time 5. click set speed. CREDIT GOES TO **UNKNOWN AUTHOR**
if u want stick arena cheats, then go to this website GREAT CHEATS!! the killer
sry gotta rewrite that: ok get hacking!