my cousin put a password on my user in win xp he wont tell me wht it is! how do i get in and take off the password??!?!?
lol,hes bigger and benches more then my weight if i kick him in the balls then i may never have kids.
Why won't he tell you? Why did you let him use your PC? Is he an utter jackass or what? Does he get a buzz from seeing you struggle? Does he have a PC & can you do the same to him? Seriously, I am not sure how to get round this one. If I was struggling I would just flatten & password protect your PC, & NEVER let the bozo anywhere near your PC!
first of all hes half a jackass and secong its my dads computer with different users if i tell my dad then he'll say thats alright hes ur cousin so either there is some way to go in the computer and go in and change the password then im screwed.
Try this link, If you get it & solves your prob, I would look your cousin in the eye (no matter how big he is) & tell him NEVER to ask you for help for the rest of his life.. He obviously thinks this is funny, he is a big kid with whom you treat with absolutely & utter contempt. Your father should ALWAYS believe you over your cousin, unless you are a compulsive liar!
thnx pulsar and ken_919 i got the password and looked my cousin in the eye and told him "hahahahahahahahaha *serious look* im never helping you AGAIN!!!!!" now hes pissed lol. thnx again guys
i did login recovery and got the passwords but when i open the upload file the passwords are all decrypted wht do i do?