Following the advice of the people on these fourms, I just ordered a new computer to build for myself. I have 3 hard drives, 2 are the ribben connectors and the other one is a new SATA I just bought. My CD/DVD reader is also a ribben connector. Heres what happens CD/DVD plugged in, power connected, Win XP boot disk in, Sata hard drive plugged in + sata power connected: Boot from CD/DVD: Disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter CD/DVD unplugged, old hard drive with OS still on them from previous computer still on them, ribben pluged in, and power plugged in: Computer keeps restarting over and over in a loop @ no error messages displayed, restarts at the part where it starts loading the HD. BIOS has reconized all my hard drives and CD/DVD reader HELP!
Okay, update: Its not reading the CD rom since I had it OPEN when it was suppoesd to be reading it and it came up with the error. Second, I've never felt a graphics card before, but it seems very hot, almost too hot to touch (the red outside piece) is this okay? heres a link of the stuff I bought: EDIT: some mroe stuff, The graphics cards heat exchanger is too hot to touch, i almost got burned. Second, I unplugged the cd drive and it still had the insert disk error, then I unplugged all my hard drives including the cd rom drive and it still came up with the error...
moved to correct forum. did you change the boot sequence in the bios so that the rom drive boots 1st?
I dont seem to understand fully your problem. Are you sure you are booting from the CD drive? that is, that in your BIOS setup you have propertly configured the boot order and have set the CD/DVD unit to boot before the HD. Assuming you have done and that in fact you are booting from the CD/DVD unit, are you sure the dvd is bootable? to double check have you tried booting from it in other computers? Also dont worry about the graphic card temperature, it is designed to withstand those temperatures, nonetheless make sure that you have enough fans placed in the correct way so you can have an steady airflow through your system. So make sure you are booting from the cd drive and make sure your disk is bootable before doing anything else.
Turned out to be both my new hard drives were bad. I tried another and it worked fine. Is there a way to tell the temp of my cpu and video card? and if there is, what temps should I be below? thanks ^*(&^! it keeps shutting off and I found PC health in the BIOS and it says the CPU is at 90 C!!! that seems very hot!!! EDIT again: immeidtally after tpying tihs, i took my heat sink off and just touched the back of the processor and it was not hot at all, so i put it back on and trieed starting it again and went to pc health, and its at 35C, was it not recording the temp right? Now it starts like normal also,everything seems fine, but how does it record the cpu temp, I think that is what malfunctioned.
cpu temp should be in 30's to low 40's at idle. as yours is around 90c then it is doing a thermal shutdown. reseat your cpu heatsink fan assembly as appears to be not seated properly for that temp. will probably have to replace old thermal paste/pad with new thermal paste.
The CPU wasnt hot, infact hardly warm. Is there ANY way the temp guage could have maulfunctioned? I don't see how its possible that it said my cpu was at almost 100C and then I feel the back of it less than 3 minutes later and it was just warm. I'm just hoping it didnt record the right temp because I just built this... and dont want to kill the life of my processor 2 days later.