Can someone help me get rid of IE Explorer, it constantly gives my girlfriend pop-ups, I got her using Mozilla, but yet she still gets ie popups all the time. Thanks.
This would be more appropriate in the Virus/Spyware forums. Before posting anything though, download HiJackThis. Rename the file hijackthis.exe to something else with a .exe extension (the reason: many kinds of malware know about hijackthis.exe and will deliberately hide themselves from it if they see it running.) Post the log in the forums and let some of us take a look at it.
By the way, you cant remove it. It comes with Windows operating system, and you need it for things like microsoft update, since it can only use IE, not mozila. Also, the pop-ups are malware related, it has nothing to do with IE.
moved to correct forum. Waymon, ie can be removed as a professor did that during the court case against microsoft just after the xp launch.
remember that the court case was about other browsers access to xp & not just internet explorer. microsoft daid that ie was intergrated into xp & couldn't be removed without messing up windows. professor showed it can be removed & windows can still work properly. as for the windows updates i don't know.