i recently purchase the nvidia 5500 fx 256mb with pci. i have a 17" LCD. Could someone help me setting it up 4 the best picture quality? What resolution should i used? what dvd player software to used? (i used media player v 10 to see dvd) open 4 any suggestions. Thx 4 ur help.
Hi there, well first off make sure you have the most up to date drivers for your card you'l find them on nivida's site. As long as your card motherboard and monitor are installed properly you should be getting optimal picture quality. As for resolution its really depends on your own preferences try various different resolutions until your happy. Media player is fine for watching dvd's although you may want to get something like power dvd. Thats a bit of a vague answer but then so was your question : ) If there's something in particular your stuck with then let us know and im sure someone will help you out. Cheers haim