ok i'v read this thread but all it has done is confused me more http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/329607 The problem that i am having is that my xbox cant find the connection and my laptop cant find my xbox (I am using an ethernet cable) Can anyone help me on how to set it up (this is for halo2)
how are you connecting, using a router, cross over cable? i sugggest using a router, considering you high speed internet that is
Yer I am using a wireless router tht connects 2 my laptop adn the connectin and ethernet cat.5 utp patch and my xbox says it cant find a network connection and my laptop says it cant find the consol and i've tried disabling the firewall and it still doesnt work. So im realy confused and have no idea what to do
Well the first problem you got is that the xbox is not wireless so it won't connect to a wireless router. Secondly you need a crossover cable. You need to set up a static network. Go to the cmd type in ipconfig look for the IP and the subnetmask. Then go to control panel network connections and look for you lan connection right click on that ,then go to properties then click on TCP/IP in the box. Next click on "Use the following IP adress then type in the one you got from the CMD(preferably Then go to your xbox and change the xbox's ip to This is called FTP (file transfer protocol) Hope I helped for a better explanation go to this site. "http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/523607" Max