Help streaming live TV from Sony Vaio Tuner

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by DarkmanX, Mar 29, 2007.

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  1. DarkmanX

    DarkmanX Regular member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I have been able to stream from my computer to my pocket pc video and audio from my home computer, but have not been able to use the Sony TV tuner to watch live programs. Is there any one with any suggestions. I tried to use a ATI HDTV tuner card and it would not install without errors, probably because of the NVIDIA GeForce 440 MX that comes with the Sony VAIO. I did update the lasted drivers for the NVIDIA. I tried to update the ATI drivers and got this error, ATI WDM Setup remote procedure call failed. I made several attemptes to uninstall, including cleaning out the registry and temp folders and reinstall with no successful install with the ATI card.
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